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Setup Your Business in 5 Minutes
For Free!

Our purpose built forms make it easy to enter in all your business's info.

Minimal Entering

Your time is important and we want to make adding and updating your business quick and painless. We've searched and pre-filled as much information as possible. You only need to enter what is unique about your business.

Quick Search

Search for feiseanna that you will be traveling to in our system and link them to your page.

Planxti user interface
Planxti user interface

Promote Your Business

Promote your business on the Planxti home page and across the site!

Just the Important Details

Add all the information dancers and parents want, in one location.


Add a link to your website, online store, facebook page, instagram page, etc.

Sales Info

Add information on where you make sales, like online or at a feis.

Fulfillment Info

Add the different ways customers can receive their purchases.


Add links to the feiseanna that you will be traveling to. A link to your Planxti business page will be adding to the feis's listing.

Retail Location

Add the address of your retail location if you have one.


Add your latest logo for easy recognition of your business in out list of vendors.

Our Goal

Help Your Business Grow

Planxti's main purpose is to increase the visibility of feiseanna, schools, and Irish dance businesses. We want to be a central place where parents and dancers can come to make decisions about what feiseanna they will register for next, register for later in the year, as well as finding vendors where they can shop for what they need.

Help us help you by keeping your business's information accurate and up to date.

Ready to dive in?Contact us to get started.

Please be sure to use the email address associated with your business.
We need to verify your account before you will be able to manage your business.